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What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? (Part 2)

Women’s comprehensive health coverage empowers women to make the best decisions impacting their lives and their offspring.
 Benefits which are already available to policy holders include: a free annual well checkup through your doctor, OBGYN or pediatrician.  The goal of this step is simple keep a person in check in [...]

What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? (Part 2)


What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? (Part 1)

Healthcare reform entails several steps and changes which have been gradually going into effect since early 2010. The changes will occur over the next several years and will plateau with coverage where no American can be denied for health insurance coverage - no matter what their health issues may be.  [...]

What’s Next for Healthcare Reform? (Part 1)2016-09-13T17:58:20-05:00

More Help for the Self Employed….

Selected Benefits, Inc. prides itself on working with self-employed individuals to help them obtain affordable and comprehensive health care coverage.  With health care reform on the horizon, many of our clients are concerned that the new laws will affect them adversely.  To allay those fears, here are five ways health [...]

More Help for the Self Employed….2016-09-13T17:56:51-05:00

Provisions of the ACA Currently in Effect:

The Affordable Care Act (the “ACA”) is a leading topic in today’s news.  Some of it will not take effect until 2014, but some of the provisions of the ACA are already in force.  Some provisions, like coverage for adult children, have been discussed widely.  Others may not be as [...]

Provisions of the ACA Currently in Effect:2016-09-13T17:54:55-05:00

My employer offers a group health insurance plan, but it’s too expensive. Do I have to take it? (Part 2)

Obviously, they cannot discriminate with their hiring practices, but they can certainly offer to pay for a younger employees’ coverage thereby accomplishing the same goal. We see this quite a bit in companies with owners who “need” the younger employees to keep the rates low. Did you ever notice why [...]

My employer offers a group health insurance plan, but it’s too expensive. Do I have to take it? (Part 2)2016-09-13T17:51:25-05:00

My employer offers a group health insurance plan, but it’s too expensive. Do I have to take it? (Part 1)

Group health insurance is an excellent option for most employees since those plans can offer much greater benefits than plans in the private market, but these plans do come at a cost. If you don’t need the extra benefits, you may want to purchase an individual or family health insurance [...]

My employer offers a group health insurance plan, but it’s too expensive. Do I have to take it? (Part 1)2016-09-13T17:50:30-05:00

(Part 2) I’ve heard that I may be entitled to a rebate from my health insurance policy due to healthcare reform. What are the details?

How many policyholders will receive rebates and how much will they be? The initial estimates are that about 15 million plus members will receive rebates in the Summer of 2012 for 2011 premiums paid. This equates to about a third of all policyholders who have either individual or family health [...]

(Part 2) I’ve heard that I may be entitled to a rebate from my health insurance policy due to healthcare reform. What are the details?2016-09-13T17:49:33-05:00

(Part 1) I’ve heard that I may be entitled to a rebate from my health insurance policy due to healthcare reform. What are the details?

Most people don’t realize that healthcare reform might make them eligible for a rebate on the premiums they’ve paid for their health insurance policies since the law was passed. Here are the details: Starting in 2011, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will require health insurance carriers to spend [...]

(Part 1) I’ve heard that I may be entitled to a rebate from my health insurance policy due to healthcare reform. What are the details?2016-09-13T17:48:28-05:00

(Part 2) A clause in recent Healthcare Reform that continues to baffle me; dependent coverage is now available up to age 26.

Here’s one more point I’d like to make. For any parents out there with an employer group plan, you should compare the cost of adding your adult Son or Daughter to your group plan vs. buying a comparable plan in the private Texas health insurance market. You’ll find that the [...]

(Part 2) A clause in recent Healthcare Reform that continues to baffle me; dependent coverage is now available up to age 26.2016-09-13T17:47:01-05:00

(Part 1) A clause in recent Healthcare Reform that continues to baffle me; dependent coverage is now available up to age 26.

Our current administration claims that this is one of the best outcomes of the Affordable Care Act and that millions of children and young adults now have coverage as a result of this provision. Now parents can place their adult dependents, up to age 26, on their employer group plans [...]

(Part 1) A clause in recent Healthcare Reform that continues to baffle me; dependent coverage is now available up to age 26.2016-09-13T17:45:49-05:00